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The Eden Project

In the Middle Ages, the collective fantasy of paradise was a compensation for the brutal and sometimes simply inhumane conditions in which people had to constantly engage in hard work just to survive. 

For all the prosperity and even abundance, being able to travel the world, get all kinds of information, buy all kinds of things and food at the store instead of constantly struggling to survive, why are we still unhappy? Could it be that the very idea of happiness is an illusion?

The deep chasm between material prosperity and the longing of the yearning human soul has been filled by the idea of romantic love, the fantasy of finding a man who would give meaning to our lives would satisfy our deepest needs. Dreams of Eden are a metaphor whose meaning, the archetypal human desire to return "home" and reconnect with the Other. The search for the possibility of returning to the lost paradise of childhood, to the bosom of original mystical belonging with those who since birth have surrounded us with care and attention. 

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